Diamond’s Priorities

Cost of Living

When more Native Hawaiians live on the mainland than in Hawaii, we know that we’ve got a problem! Gas prices continue to rise (record levels), the cost of housing has become unattainable for the average family, a plate lunch is almost $20, our pockets are being squeezed and if nothing changes, Hawaii will only be available to those who can afford it. As your Representative, I will put local families first! I will vote against every tax increase and burdensome regulation that negatively affects Hawaii residents. On day one of the 2023 legislative session, I will introduce a bill that will eliminate the state income tax, allowing local families to keep more of their hard earned-money.


Crime and Safety

The crime rate has drastically spiked in recent months, and we must address this NOW. I will fight against the radical left which wants to defund law enforcement, and will vote against piece of legislation that increases crime, such as HB 1567 (passed in 2022) which eliminates the use of monetary bail for criminal offenders. Our State must take a “tough on crime” approach and keep public safety our utmost priority.

The GARCIA campaign is honored to have been endorsed by the State of Hawaii Organization of Police Officers (SHOPO). Diamond will always fight for our men and women in blue.

Hawaiian Homelands

DHHL Should Get Clear On Its Purpose — Housing First: Until the wait-list of 27,000 is eliminated, DHHL should make housing Native Hawaiian beneficiaries its first priority. This means being a real development agency that not only builds but also buys existing buildings and converts/divides them into separate units for beneficiaries to rent or to buy. “Housing First” should be DHHL’s new motto and not be left up to the predilections of whomever is Governor or chairman of the Hawaiian Homes Commission.



We are seeing an increase in the rates of diabetes, hypertension, and other life-style related diseases on the west-side. We need to be an example to our Keiki in showing them a healthier way forward. I believe that our State should take a more preventative approach in addressing our public health. I oppose any and all one-size-fits-all government mandates. The government has no right to interfere in an individuals personal medical decision. Lockdowns don’t work, instead they cripple peoples livelihoods.


Investing in practical education will ensure a brighter future for our Keiki. I support educational choice, and will fight for our public, charter, private and home-schooled students equally! The legislature has considered canceling parents from being involved in their child’s education (HB 2125) and also proposed that school’s teach Transgenderism and the LGBT lifestyle in a positive fashion (HB 1697). This is absolutely WRONG! Our schools should stick to basic arithmetic and stop trying to sexualize our Keiki in the prime of their innocence. I believe that parents should have easy access to school curriculum, and I encourage more parental involvement.



Having been homeless myself, I understand the struggle. It’s important that we provide hand up’s and not just handouts. The homeless population has worsened on the west-side over the past few years and with a crippling economy, we may see it get even worse. I will continue to work with community leaders, residents and proper officials to address the root cause of the Housing crisis and work seriously reduce the houseless population.

It’s time to FIGHT for Hawai’i.